Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hello Everyone
I am sad that it has been so long since I have written. The marathon went wonderfully...for me anyways. I had a wonderful time with my aunt and uncle and absolutely loved running. I did it in 5 hours flat. My partner, however didn't have such a good experience. She had gall bladder attacks the whole 5 hours and I think that we would have gone faster if it weren't for that, but as I told her, it was a great experience for me, I just felt bad for her. She had to get on an IV the second she got done with the race and I didn't get to see her for awhile after that as I had to leave and find a place that had gluten free food for me to tank up on. I lost 5 pounds in 5 hours! My aunt, cousin and his wife took me to a Mexican restaurant right afterwards, it was awesome! The race was fun but not without its man had heart failure about 1/4 of a mile ahead of us and died on the road. It was kind of scary. I don't know if he trained or not, but you would be surprised at how many people try to run a marathon without training first. Its crazy!
Anyway, I want to run another one and had planned on doing the OKC Memorial one in April, but I am starting school this spring and I don't know if I can handle going to school, being a mom, being a wife, PTA, and training for a marathon. Gee...what do you think?!?!