Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hello Everyone
I am sad that it has been so long since I have written. The marathon went wonderfully...for me anyways. I had a wonderful time with my aunt and uncle and absolutely loved running. I did it in 5 hours flat. My partner, however didn't have such a good experience. She had gall bladder attacks the whole 5 hours and I think that we would have gone faster if it weren't for that, but as I told her, it was a great experience for me, I just felt bad for her. She had to get on an IV the second she got done with the race and I didn't get to see her for awhile after that as I had to leave and find a place that had gluten free food for me to tank up on. I lost 5 pounds in 5 hours! My aunt, cousin and his wife took me to a Mexican restaurant right afterwards, it was awesome! The race was fun but not without its man had heart failure about 1/4 of a mile ahead of us and died on the road. It was kind of scary. I don't know if he trained or not, but you would be surprised at how many people try to run a marathon without training first. Its crazy!
Anyway, I want to run another one and had planned on doing the OKC Memorial one in April, but I am starting school this spring and I don't know if I can handle going to school, being a mom, being a wife, PTA, and training for a marathon. Gee...what do you think?!?!


At 9:06 PM, Blogger Lambert the Sheepish Lions said...'s been forever since you've written! I've missed reading your logs! Well...going to school huh? Awesome!!
I've missed ya, and really appreciate all that you did for me this summer and fall. You are truly a great friend! I will always love you for it!
Oh..this October for our 30th bdays...Sean and I are thinking of taking Kyo to Disneyworld! Sounds awesome ..doesn't it?! I've never been...we invited Sean's parents and mine as well. We're thinking of renting a house for the week.
Anyhow..get back to me, luv.

At 7:47 AM, Blogger HOWARD'S said...

I didn't know you were going back to school. Okay we live way to close to go this long without getting together. I need to get together with you just so I can have an update on your life!!!! Other than that have you been enjoyng th weather? I can't wait for the snow this weekend. YEAH!


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