Sunday, April 23, 2006

PULLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

This was another pic from the camping trip. I think the look on his face is the funniest thing i've ever seen!! "I think I'm king of the world!!" Posted by Picasa

T-bone went on a father/son camping trip last weekend. He and Dad had a lot of fun. This is him with two of his buddies. He LOVEs to camp with daddy! Posted by Picasa

Week 10

Last week was great! The week before last I had finally gotten my weight regimen incorporated. The only problems was, I had done it wrong. I had done my legs 2 days before I ran 16 miles. MAN was I in pain! But this week, I did my lower body earlier in the week and my upper on Wednesday. My run on Saturday went awesome. And even though I forgot my tunes, it was still a pleasant run. I am looking forward to this next week. I think instead of running 1 more week at 16, I will go to 18 so I will have 3 weeks at 18 instead of 2. I will have to research that idea though. Dont want to mess it up! I've also heard that hitting 20 miles is acceptable as well, so I may do 2 weeks at 18, then have my last week before tapering up to 20. I really am just spitballing here. If anyone has any comments on this, feel free to let me know!!


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Ok, i was looking through my old pics, and this was taken December of '04. Uncle Phuong bought these outfits in Vietnam when he went to visit, and they wore them at our Christmas party. I think they're excited about...something.  Posted by Picasa

What a happy girl!! Posted by Picasa

Just two brothers, hanging out... Posted by Picasa

It''s HOT!!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 17, 2006

Week 9
Last week was a great one! I stayed with my regimen of lifting weights and running, but I am going to revamp a little this week. I made the mistake of lifting weights (lower body) two days before my 16 mile run. NOT a good idea. I was so sore when I started my run, that I was worried that the whole thing would be just miserable. I worked it out though, and the run was awesome. I actually had an easier time this week than the last two weeks. I was a little worried that I made a mistake and mapped out a route that was less than 16 miles, but I checked and double-checked it and I did indeed run 16 miles. I guess that I am finally getting used to the long running thing. I'm SO excited to run this marathon! In fact, I am so excited, I am planning the next one already!!

HA!-I think i'm officially...insane.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Come again?
Ok, here are the two oldest stud muffins in my life. My absotively, posolutely, wonderful, loving, awesome, amazing hubby, and our completely studly son, T-bone! I made matching ties for Easter that year. Don't they look DASHING?! (This pose was actually T-bone's idea!) Posted by Picasa

Absolute Randomness
Well, it's not ABOSOLUTE randomness, but certainly off the subject! I finally figured out how to do pics, so you get to see my fam!! This is my daughter dressing up my yougest. Of course, this one is over a year old, but it's so cute!!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Week 8

Wow. Last week I did fine for the first 10 miles, and the last 2 were terrible. This week, I did great on the first 10 miles. they FLEW for me. Miles 11 and 12 were rough but I made it. I alternated between laughing and crying on miles 13 and 14. But strangely enough, I could have kept going when I got to the end. I even sprinted across the street to stay out of traffics way. Incedently, it was the same last week. The last two miles were hard, but at the end I felt like I could have kept going. It was a great time for me. I really love running!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Week 7
Ok, I just ended week 7. I guess time flies when you're having fun!! I did 12 miles yesterday, my biggest yet. It was awesome! Afterwards, my hubby and I took the kids to the medieval fair, then I had to work, and even though I was on my feet from 5:45am to 11:30pm I felt really good all day. I wasn't tired at all! In fact, my hubby and I stayed up until 5am playing WOW. Sad I know, but it wouldn't have been so bad if daylight savings hadn't taken affect.
I was able to meet my goal last week and incorporate weights into my weekly regimen. It was great!! Although, the next day I was so hungry I ate everything in site...hehe when don't I? I am looking forward to another fun week. My running buddy will be gone this week so I get to do my first half marathon all by my lonesome, but I am not worried. My 12 mile run was a breeze and I already wish it were Saturday again!
It's crack man...crack.